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Daniel Wiafe
- The House Flipping Ninja -
I seriously can't believe what you did in such a short period of time! I know that there are those who claim to be "hardcore closers", but you have gone above and beyond Stan in showing me that there truly is a way to implement sales people and have automated income on demand.

Catherine Howell
- The Facebook Ads Academy -
Stan not only has helped to take the Academy from $15K in sales per month to a business that generates multiple six figures per month, but is also helping our students to land $10K - $20K contracts on a regular basis through his amazing coaching and mentorship.

John Max Bolling
- Founder Cobbler Media -
To tally, you've helped us close almost $60k in additional annual revenue over the past 2 1/2 months. To say I am humbled by this experience would be an understatement, and I have you to thank.
Sincerely, thank you for the tactics, but more importantly thank you for the relationship. You've given me the confidence to trust in myself, and build a rock solid mindset. I look forward to continuing to work together!