What's Your Pre-Sales Call Routine?

Nick Saban is one bad mamma jamma.
Former head coach of the NFL's Miami Dolphins and the LSU Tigers, Saban now reigns supreme as head coach for the University of Alabama Football team.
Which, if you know anything about Alabama, means he's essentially worshiped down in Dixie.
However, last night the Crimson Tide fell in the final seconds and lost the national championship title to Clemson.
Saban said it best when he said, "We didn't play like champions. They did."
True words from a true man of character.
Despite the loss Saban still is and will continue to be one of the most respected names in American football history.
5 total national titles. 4 at Alabama. And a total of 6 championship games played since 2003.
Not bad Nicky.
To what does Coach Saban attribute his success though?
His steely eyes? The Gatorade baths? The hillbilly music that resonates from Bryant-Denny Stadium?
In his book, How Good Do You Want To Be? : A Champion's Tips On How To Lead And Succeed, Saban writes that it's all of the pregame stuff that actually makes the most difference in the outcome of his games.
It's the pregame ritual of developing his people (coaching), working with integrity, and building character.
And that's what makes the difference.
That's what makes champions.
Both in college football, in life, and yes, even in sales.
I have some extensive training on this very topic in some of my programs, but it's important to understand that the sell is typically made before you ever make the call, knock the door, run the webinar, or ask for their business.
So what's your pregame ritual?
If you're a fan of The Office perhaps you remember this scene from when Jim and Dwight team up for a sales call.
Maybe you're a Dwight and need to rock hardcore before pitching your client your service.
Or maybe you're a Coach Saban and you focus on building yourself up and the team around you.
Or maybe, just maybe, you don't even have a ritual in place yet (probably the majority of you), and you now have the magical opportunity to create a ritual for yourself.
Last year I sold over $2.2 million worth of products and services over the phone alone.
On. The. Phone. Alone.
And yes, although I'm highly trained, continue to invest in coaching for myself and for my business, and have been doing sales since I was a teenager, if I had to attribute my success to just a handful of things, my pregame ritual would be one of the top game changers for me.
So go ahead.
Go get a game plan, and a pregame plan, and say a "Roll Tide!" for me.
You can be a champion at sales when you do the right things.
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